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Sticky Notes Primer - StickyNotes.snt

The Microsoft Windows 7 operating system includes native sticky notes feature, allowing a user to quickly create electronic 'post it' notes as reminders which are displayed on the desktop.

Sticky notes are stored in a file titled as StickyNotes.snt.

The stickynotes.snt file can be found in the following location:

VOLUME\Users\OS PROFILE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Sticky Notes The screenshot below show sticky notes running and displayed on the desktop:

Sticky Notes in action

There can be multiple stickynotes.snt files if multiple profiles exist on a system.

The content of the stickynotes.snt files can include but is not limited to sticky note content, when the note was created and modified.

The content of the Stickynotes.snt file can be previewed and extracted for further inspection using the Structured Storage Extractor, a forensic software tool part of the SC Suite.

Sticky Notes Extractor