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How to gather file signatures from your case

This short article covers how to gather all file signatures / headers from all files within a case for review and/or research purposes. This article may serve as an aid to forensic examiners or data recovery technicians.

Gathering file identification is an important process for future identification and classification of file data or for data recovery purposes.

Processing a mounted volume?

If processing a mounted volume the tool Header Grab Advanced, part of Simple Carver Suite is invaluable as it allows you to quickly gather all header and file extension information which is stored with a single Access Database for processing and filtering or exported to CSV. This information can be used to assist in identifying file types in future cases or recovery of deleted data.

Header Grab Advanced

Header Grab Advanced

Processing a volume using Encase?

If processing a case using the forensic software Encase, an enscript is available on the guidance forensic forum or available in the Filesig OFSDB (Online File Signature Database) members area of www.filesig.co.uk - the encase header gather script will read all headers from selected entries within a case and export to CSV format for review.