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Starting from Case Exhibit Management System 1.2 users can now print to sticky label paper, labels containing case and exhibit information for each exhibit in a case. These labels can be attached to exhibit packaging during the booking in process!

Sticky Labels are adhesive labels (bought from any local stationery store) onto which basic case and exhibit details are printed. The labels are then attached to the relevant evidence bags that you are receiving or have in your possession. The sticky labels are not a substitute to evidence continuity labels. Items coming into your possession may arrive from various clients each with there own tagging/labelling style with some difficult to read or damaged. The sticky labels option in CEMS provides the user with a consistent labelling system for your organisation making it easier to physically identify items in your possession.

To print the Sticky Labels go to the Cases tab, highlight the case to print from the case table, and from the Main Menu > Print > Sticky Labels. The default option without any selections will print all items in both Exhibit and Additional Items table in the currently highlighted case. Any additional items printed will include a footnote indicating that the item is from the Additional Items table and was created in your premises.